
Out, out foul Netscape

It all happened yesterday.

I've been using a Mac for two years now but was terrified to migrate my email from Netscape to Firebird's Thunderbird, a free e-mail application for Mac Users. The Netscape version I've been using is a fossil because I've been terrified to move to updated versions for the same reason--because when I updated to Netscape 7.1 on my PC system, it didn't transfer my email and I had to start over again. The old stuff is still floating in Cyber space. I was terrified because I thought I'd lose all my emails and contact addresses. Maybe a good thing!!

So yesterday, I tried to send an email and the Netscape system kept asking me for my 'out' mail password. And when I punched in my usual password, it wouldn't recognize it. To make things even more aggravating, I was getting emails.

So over an hour later, my interet provider was confounded and couldn't fathom what the problem was.

It's your Mac," she said as a cop-out. "We can't do anything more. Sorry."

Lazy, uninterested bitch!!

With nothing left to do, I installed Thunderbird, waited with crossed fingers and toes as it stated on the screen "migrating files" or something like that. Twenty minutes later, a brand new email layout appeared AND all my old emails were there.

Hooray. So I promptly got rid of the last reminder of my PC days by deleting Netscape. I am now a proud and utter fan of Mac and Firebird and Thunderbird.

Netscape R.I.P

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