
He's Just Not That Into You--aka -Don't Go and save your hardearned bucks

I went to see He's just not that into you yesterday.

What a dud. What a bore. The only audience this might appeal to is teenage girls.

Based on a nonfiction book of the same name (if the film kept faithful to the book, then the authors are morons and it's not a surprise publishing's in crisis), the narrative thread (or lack of it) traces a number of twenty-something women in Baltimore trying to work out how guys minds work when it comes to dating.

No cliche is left unturned including the aloof and uncaring heterosexual, the boorish, farting heterosexual male, the effete homosexual with a sibilant affliction and the innocent young woman (think annoying Charlotte in Sex and the City) who has no clue how to interpret the blind dates and calls a bartender she just happens to befriend. Oh, and he falls in love with her in the end. YAWN, YAWN, YAWN.

It's self-indulgent piffle.

Ms. Aniston, whom I like, settles into the well honed role of slightly quirky, slightly befuddled, slightly scatty, lonely twenty something she's cut out for herself. She might like to rethink these roles now she's many nautical miles from that age.

Halfway through Larry turned to me and asked at the exact moment I was thinking the very same thought--"Is this ever going to end?"

At over two hours, it's value for money if you like the decidedly mediocre.


mewmewmew said...

Based on a nonfiction book of the same name (if the film kept faithful to the book, then the authors are morons and it's not a surprise publishing's in crisis), the narrative thread (or lack of it) traces a number of twenty-something women in Baltimore trying to work out how guys minds work when it comes to dating.
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How many times have we scoffed at a person who appears white as snow to us? The answer is but obvious; a hundred thousand times. Apparently, they are no different from you or me, we are all but humans. One way I can surmise it is, you were blessed when it came to your genetic make, whilst they were blessed differently.

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Uno said...
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