
Rereading one's work

Started rereading the new novel Twisted Agendas again and have decided I need to make some changes.

Was terrified it would suck as some of one's work does depending on one's mood.
On that point, I do wish some published writers would take their time and not churn out books. Some are really badly written and edited. Instead of building an audience, they're losing readers.

Am happy to report my novel reads pretty good. At least it dos to me, though I think I'm going to rewrite from a different point of view. Also just finished reading a book on writing techniques and feel inspired. We'll see.


About publishing

I'm about to start edits on my new novel Twisted Agendas, which my publisher in UK seems interested to acquire.

Now with iPad, Kindle and Sony and B&N readers, I'm wondering if I should self-publish as so many people seem to be doing these days. Publishers seem to make all the money in deals with writers and only a few of their authors breakout and make real money.

Gone or going are the days when self-publishing has been regarded as the step-sister of legitimate publishing. And James Joyce and a host of others self-published.

Changes are definitely coming with the advent and gaining popularity of e-books.

I guess I'll mull some more---